brasilidades samba baiao funk and more brunandre dj laranjeiras live series

Brasilidades | Samba, Baião, Funk And More | Brunandre DJ | Laranjeiras Live Series

Hi everyone! As the great Simone would say: “Tô voltando!”
Mother has returned, yet again (you wouldn’t think I’d abandon my children, would you?)!
Sorry for the absence… Mommy was on exam season and it was so difficult to get back on the horse after beeing away from the decks for so long. I hope you haven’t missed me and my tunes too much, but at least, a little. 🙂

Enjoy this brand new mix, my most eclectic in terms of genres to this day, I believe, meandering some wonderful rhythms of this big country some of was have the privilege of calling it home: BRASIL!

You can find this set on soundcloud: / brasilidades-samba-baiao-funk-and-more

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